Participated in the Next Generation Technology Workshop

On Saturday, October 5, 2024, we participated in “[From Space to Sea]: Next Generation Technology Workshop Using Mars Exploration Rover Technology”.

At this workshop, we had the opportunity to introduce the beach cleanup robot technology that our laboratory is developing. Other participating groups gave interesting introductions about the current state of marine debris in Fukuoka Prefecture and the advanced technology used in the Mars Exploration Rover.

Afterwards, participants exchanged information with each other and engaged in a lively discussion about what kind of technology could help preserve the marine environment. It was a very fruitful time, with discussions from various perspectives expanding the possibilities for new ideas and collaboration.

Sakura Science Program “Robotics PBL Collaborative Practice and Curriculum Development”

From January 21 (Sun.) to 27 (Sat.), 2024, eight students and two faculty members from King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok and six international students from Rat Krabang visited Japan. They interacted with our third-year undergraduate students who are participating in the International Collaborative PBL.
They made robots for their own team, visited Dazaifu, experienced tea ceremony, and had various cultural exchanges.

About MEXT Scholarship @ Kyutech

For more information about the scholarship, please see below.

  • Scholarship
    1.4 master course students  (4 persons)
    Grant:  144,000 yen per month

2. Doctoral course students. (2 persons)
Grant: 145,000 yen per month

Free for tuition fee, admission fees,
Support the round-trip air ticket to Japan.

  • To study at the School of Computer Science and System Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology.
    Study area: Ex: Robotics, AI, Control Engineering, Data Science., etc(Please see the attached information)
  •  Deadline
     the deadline for the application is December 25, 2023.

 Application documents * see enclosed file

  1. Application form
  2. Official Transcript
  3. Certificate of English ability (CEFR B2 up level)or Japanese ability N2 up  (Please see the details)
    Sorry, we do not have much time.
  4. CV

Apply by sending an email to:

Students can download the application and updated information from the below link.

  The Ministry of Education requires a certificate of English proficiency that proves reading, listening, speaking and writing skills are at least equivalent to CEFR B2